Tabitha Sweeney

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June 14, 2024

Personal growth is fucking hard. Like REALLY hard. You’ve heard that if you drop a frog into a pot of boiling water, he will immediately jump out, but if you put him in room temperature water and over a period of time slowly continue raising the heat until it boils, he will stay in the pot without realizing the imminent threat.

Well, personal growth is like climbing into a shower with perfectly tempered water. Then, without warning, the heat gets turned way up, and when you reach for the door to step out, it’s jammed, and you’re stuck.

Ok, maybe the two are nothing alike, and it might be a TERRIBLE analogy, but the point is, personal growth is fucking hard. It hurts, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it because, by the time you realize it hurts, you’ve already been shown what exists on the other side. You want what is on the other side, and you know the only way to get it is to go through the change.

But making your way through the hurt will leave you with scars. Sometimes you’ll pick the wrong path, and it will suck, but you will keep going because the only other option is to stop and revert back to the old you.

Here’s the thing about growth: you are growing into someone you have never been before. Everything is unfamiliar and uncomfortable. Your faith in where you’re going has to be greater than the discomfort you feel in getting there.