Tabitha Sweeney

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August 26, 2024

Here we go again….

Every time I feel like I GOT THIS, the Universe steps in to remind me — I ALMOST GOT THIS!

For years I have had the burning desire to share more. More of my story, more of my thoughts, overall just more of me, and while I slowly opened up more and more, the urge continued to get stronger; telling me that what I was doing wasn’t enough.

I thought that I put it all on the line when I began dropping Spicy Bedroom content & found myself disowned by 94% of my family members, but nope - that didn’t quiet the urge either.

I decided on writing a book & while the urge settled for a hot minute, but then picked up again soon enough.

FINALLY I came to the conclusion that this urge isn’t going away and it may very well be what’s actually holding me back… so here goes nothing!

I am going to bring my daily musings public onto the Author Page as I treat this page like an online diary.

I have split off The Spicy Bedroom & Brave Decisions into their own pages so that content can be easily found without wading through the unwanted.

This is fucking terrifying to me, because ultimately what I am doing is taking any last bit of filter I had on my life and I'm lifting it and letting you completely inside.