Tabitha Sweeney

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September 24, 2024

It is darkest right before the light breaks through.

My dear one you keep searching on the outside for something that the outside does not possess. SLOW DOWN and keep a steady pace. When you find your people you won’t need to worry any longer.

There are still moments at which you look backwards, and there is nothing in the past that is left for you. By this point it has already either vanished or crossed into the next realm with you. There is nothing left to wonder, to consider or to carry from the past any longer.

What is your biggest fear sweet one?

That you won’t be loved? That you won’t be accepted for exactly who you are?

But isn’t that already the case?

If you are being accepted for someone you are not, isn’t that the same thing? Why are you protecting those who you fear won’t accept you? You have already lost them, so let them go.

So long as you don’t stop you will be alright.

See you keep looking for how to put everything into a small little box and tie it with a bow, but that actually isn’t reality. That isn’t what you are here to do. Instead you are here to show the world how much beauty there is when you wrap the abstract in multiple tubes of different wrapping paper and complete with multi colored tape. You are here to show the world the beauty inside the mess. Teach them how to love the unlovable. Help them find security within themselves.