NO commitment over here, just a one-time appointment to find situational clarity in order to make a brave decision.

Same day appointments *subject to availability may be booked via text. Text “SOS” to: 716.828.6136

Allow Tabitha to become your decision-making concierge in this six month mentorship program.

Available only by application for those who are truly committed and ready to change their circumstances.


What kinds of things do people call Tabitha about?

Relationships are a lot of work and without maintenance and fine tuning every now and again it’s easy for miscommunications to happen and resentment to build.

Tabitha meets both with individuals and couples to provide an open and safe space for communication and resolve.


💛 Do I want to continue to put time, effort and energy into this relationship?

💛 Is it time to think about divorce?

💛 Why do I get so jealous of my partner & worry they may leave me?

💛 Why did my partner cheat?

💛 Our sex life isn’t fulfilling to me, what can I do about it?

💛 We have different sex drives and one of us always feels rejected, is there hope for us?

💛 Will we survive opening up our relationship?

Life is fucking hard sometimes. No matter how good childhood was, we have all experienced trauma that has molded us into who we have become.

Most of us are playing by a set of rules without realizing that we get to rewrite the rules any way we want.


💛 Am I the asshole for changing my mind?

💛 How do I get out of this commitment?

💛 How do I tell my sibling they need to call before showing up?

💛 How do I stop feeling resentful?

💛 Am I allowed to say no to my mom?

💛 How do I stop doing the laundry for my entire family?

💛 Why am I always angry at my family?

💛 How do I make my family understand it’s not their life?