Affirmations are a great way to begin unlearning old belief patterns.
Here is the key to using affirmations to their highest potential: You must FEEL & BELIEVE the words.
In other words, if you have been telling yourself how much you hate your body and need to change it for years, suddenly repeating words like “I love my body” will not change how you think of yourself.
Instead, work backwards to a neutral position.
Can you simply not hate your body? Can you respect your body? Can you trust your body? Can you thank your body?
Find the one that resonates and say it while looking at yourself in the mirror. FEEL the words and the energy as you say it.
This will have a much greater impact that reciting empty words.
I deserve to be loved
I will not hold undeserved guilt
I am worthy of all of my desires
I trust myself completely
Love flows freely to and from me
My thoughts are my reality
I believe in myself
I am in control of my life
I forgive myself