We become a people pleaser when we continuously place another person’s need above our own.

Eventually leading to burnout, resentment and other ugly feelings all because we lack boundaries.

To stop people pleasing you need to make yourself your top priority and build the boundaries needed to protect you.

Give yourself permission to start saying NO

No is a full sentence that does not require further justification or explanation

Stop over-apologizing at unnecessary times

Hold apologies for when they are warranted because you over reacted or did something intentionally wrong.

Count to ten before you agree to anything

You have trained yourself to say yes regardless of the impact it has on you. Counting to ten will allow you time to think before you reply

Commit to getting uncomfortable

Inserting boundaries where they previously lacked is wildly uncomfortable. If you aren’t committed to the discomfort it will be hard even harder to endure

Ask for what you need

It’s okay to need help, we all do at times. Stop waiting for someone to figure it out and speak up for yourself.

BONUS: Be patient

This leg of the journey is HARD.

Expect old habits to continue to pop up and offer yourself grace when it happens.