You Are The Empire

Trusting Yourself and Letting the Universe Guide


Inhale, exhale, and repeat.
Deep breath in, and allow me [the Universe] to tell you what to do next. Stop trying to figure it out for yourself because that hasn’t gotten you anywhere in all this time.

It’s easy to sit back and think if you had just done this from the start, maybe you would have more than $6.05 in your bank account right now.
But let’s be real… how much would you have missed out on if you had done that?
Who would you be now, because you wouldn’t be THIS version of you?
What valuable lesson would you have not received that would have changed the entire game?
Who is it that you wouldn’t have met?
What experience would cease to exist?

There is no such thing as the wrong time.There are no wrong decisions.
There are no wrong steps.

That is nothing more than a human mindset, one without purpose and love.

You are right on track and exactly where you are supposed to be.

This whole time you have been trying to figure out how to build an empire without compromising you. And the piece you have missed over and over again is that YOU ARE THE EMPIRE.

Write every day. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Write and then let the world see it.
The book that is burning through your heart—publish the chapter drafts right here and let the world read them. Let them see the entire process start to end. Stop hiding.

Stop trying to work Instagram. You hate Instagram—let it be.

Tell your story. The stories of the conversations you are having.

It will all make its way into place.

Your life is about helping others heal, but you can only do that if you publish EVERYTHING.

Stop being scared. Stop living small.


Finding Beauty in the Mess


Unfiltered And Unstoppable