Trusting Your Journey
Letting Go And Leaning Into Abundance
Lean in and listen to your heart. You have been distracted and yet so focused at the same time. Take notice of when you are seeking distraction out of avoidance and when that distraction is needed because it’s the key. The two are not the same.
Everything is unfolding, and this is exactly what you have hoped, dreamed, prayed, but most of all, worked for. This is when it all comes together and pays off so that you may live in the abundance you have been waiting for. You are closer than you have ever been. You have felt the shift in the energy because the universe is ready to deliver for you.
Let go of the last bits of worry and the last of your desires to hold on and be in charge. You cannot be. Stop worrying about video or writing and do what feels right every day.
There is no magic pill, formula, or calendar. There is only you, and you are enough.
I know that he is still in the back of your mind as you are in his. But the time is still not right yet. If you don’t surrender and truly allow yourself to make the coveted ten thousand a month and then some more on top of that, you will never be ready for him or anyone else.
Every single thing you have ever been through was paving the way to where you are now. It was needed. It was generational. It was required. You have leveled up, and only a very, very select few from your past are rising with you, but don’t worry because there are so many who are waiting for you.
You don’t need to lose everyone else. You just need to let them exist in a world next to yours. Let go of needing their validation or worrying about what they are doing.
This is your turn, and the time is now. Get massively uncomfortable, get loud, do the thing.