Love, Destiny & Letting Go

The Man Who Changed Everything

March 2023

Fuck me…
This is how it ends.

I swore up and down after my divorce that I would never marry again. And yet, here I sit at a tiny Mexican restaurant on Elmwood Ave, overcome by a knowing that I will be getting married again—and it will be to this man sitting across from me. I haven’t even decided yet if I’m attracted to him, but I already know he’s going to be around for a long time.

Which, P.S.—I met him in person approximately three hours ago. He walked into the studio, fucked me on the stretch table, and then took me to wander around the art museum for our first date. And now, here we are, sitting across from each other, one leg crossed over the other, as he tells me about his time living overseas.

I don’t know if I’m attracted to him yet, but my soul already recognizes him

We met on an app. It took me almost a month to respond to his initial message, but we’ve talked almost every day since. He took a detour on his way from Ohio to Michigan for a work event, making a quick stop in Buffalo so we could finally meet in person.

I don’t know what it is about this man, but something is wildly different. He is silently dancing with my soul in a way no one before him ever has.


He isn’t my usual type. He’s 5’7” with dark hair and light eyes. He’s wearing a light blue, soft denim button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, tucked into a pair of straight-leg army green pants that hide the cowboy boots underneath. His eyes sparkle behind wire-rimmed glasses, and his conversation is classy. He holds himself with a level of poise and dignity that is almost foreign to me.

There’s an air of mystery about him, and yet, it also feels like I’ve known him my whole life.

Little did I anticipate the adventure this man would take me on or the way he would catapult my growth as a human. I can’t tell this story without him, but as my fingers strike the keyboard, my heart is filled with the most conflicting emotionslove, joy, and sadness.

He changed me in ways I never saw coming. Some love stories don’t end, they just pause.

After almost exactly a year together, we have parted ways to complete the next leg of our journeys alone.

I still believe he’s my person. Maybe time will prove me right. Maybe it won’t.


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