You Are Exactly Where You Are Supposed To Be

It wouldn’t be hard to see the lie written straight across my face if I attempted to tell you that this is exactly what I thought my life was going to look like at 41 years old. In reality very little about adulthood has looked the way I imagined that it would.

There are two ways I can look at this:

A] I’m behind. I haven’t accomplished what “everyone” else has.


2] I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be because let’s face it; I’m not a match for Universal timing and intelligence.

I’m going to take option 2 every single time. I am who I am because of the shit that I trudged through. Good, bad and ugly it ALL made me who I am. And even though this isn’t at all what I imagined 41 would look like - I genuinely like the person that I am and I wouldn’t be her if any one thing about my life played out differently.


I’m The Asshole